Poorhub Premium Documentation


Poorhub Premium is a multipurpose Discord bot designed to help you manage your server efficiently with a wide array of features including moderation, auto-moderation, fun commands, and much more.

Getting Started

To invite the bot to your server, use the invite link provided on our website. Once added, configure your bot using the setup command. You can customize the bot's behavior to suit your server's needs.

Moderation Features

The bot comes with essential moderation commands such as ban, kick, and mute. You can also enable anti-nuke protection to safeguard your server from raids and attacks.

Fun Commands

Poorhub Premium offers several fun commands like afk, autopfp, and reaction triggers to enhance user interaction and make your server more engaging.

Customizable Prefixes

You can set custom prefixes for your server using the setprefix command. The bot also supports multiple prefixes, making it easy to integrate with other bots in your server.

Database Integration

Poorhub Premium uses PostgreSQL for data storage, ensuring fast and reliable performance. Your server settings, user data, and logs are stored securely in our database.